ГоловнаArchive of numbers2024Volume 32, issue 2 (119)Clinical-psychopathological and pathopsychological features of emotional disorders in the structure of the post-covid syndrome
Title of the article Clinical-psychopathological and pathopsychological features of emotional disorders in the structure of the post-covid syndrome
Authors Leshchyna Iryna
Year 2024 Issue Volume 32, issue 2 (119) Pages 43-46
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89:[616.98:578.834COVID-19]-085.851 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V32-is2-2024-7

 The psychopathological consequences of COVID-19 constitute a serious clinical problem, in more than 50 % of patients who have recovered from somatic manifestations of COVID-19, they complain of constant fatigue, anxiety, anxiety and depression, regardless of the severity of the somatic illness. Emotional disorders occupy one of the leading places in the clinical structure of the post-covid syndrome, and their frequency, despite achieving control over the spread of the disease, is increasing. The aim of the study. Study of clinical-psychopathological features of anxiety-depressive disorders in the structure of post-covid syndrome. In the course of the work, a comprehensive clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic examination was conducted of 115 people with a history of COVID-19, including 58 women and 47 men, aged 36.0 ± 3.4 years. In the examined patients, anxiety and depression symptoms predominated in the structure of mental disorders. In the clinical picture of anxiety-depressive disorders in the examined patients with a history of coronavirus disease, the most often noted affect of longing and low mood background, unmotivated anxiety, internal tension with inability to relax, sense of danger, sense of loss of situational control, anxiety over small things, psychomotor retardation, a feeling of own inferiority, narrowing of the circle of interests, ideas of self-blame, feelings of guilt, increased offensiveness, excessive sensitivity to comments directed at oneself, asthenic symptoms, mental fatigue, irritability and impatience, intemperance of affect, intrusive anxious thoughts that intensify in the evening and/or night time, which becomes an obstacle to falling asleep, sleep disturbance. The clinical structure of emotional disorders is represented by anxiety (36.7 ± 1.3 % of the examined), depressive (34.5 ± 1.3 %), astheno-hypochondriac (16.8 ± 1.1 %) and dysphoric (12.0 ± 1.1 %) variants of psychopathological symptoms. The data obtained in the course of this work were used as the basis for the development of a comprehensive personalized program for the correction of anxiety disorders in patients who suffered from COVID-19.
Key words anxiety-depressive disorders, emotional disorders, dysphoria, COVID-19, post-covid syndrome
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