ГоловнаArchive of numbers2024Volume 32, issue 2 (119)Clinical-psychopathological analysis of the mental status of the relatives of patients with dementia
Title of the article Clinical-psychopathological analysis of the mental status of the relatives of patients with dementia
Authors Ogorenko Viktoriia
Seslavska Yevgeniya
Year 2024 Issue Volume 32, issue 2 (119) Pages 53-60
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.454-053.9:616.89-008.1-055.5/.7-07(048.8) Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V32-is2-2024-9

 The purpose of the work is to assess the state of the mental sphere of relatives, who cared for patients with dementia, to determine the need to develop a goal-oriented system of therapy and rehabilitation measures for this contingent. In compliance with the requirements of biomedical ethics, we examined 153 relatives (children) who lived together and/or cared for patients with dementia. A comprehensive examination included clinical-psychopathological and psychometric studies. M. Hamilton’s HDRS and HARS depression and anxiety scales and the L. Derogatis SCL-90-R psychopathological symptomatology scale were used. The mental health status of relatives considering care needs with dementia varied, including normal mental health status (16.9 %), mental maladjustment (54.9 %), and clinically defined adjustment disorder F43.2 (28.1 %).
Key words mental maladjustment, adjustment disorder, relatives, dementia, anxiety, depression
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