ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 4 (85)Role of psychical education in the complex therapy of patients with the recurrent depressive disorder
Title of the article Role of psychical education in the complex therapy of patients with the recurrent depressive disorder
Authors Maruta Natalia
Kozhyna  Hanna
Kolyadko Svitlana
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 4 (85) Pages 53-57
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.4-036.65-08:371.711 Index BBK -
Abstract The research is devoted to the actual problem is providing of timely help a patient with the recurrent depressive disorder by means of the psychical education program, directed on renewal and development for them of social, personality mechanisms of adaptation, increases of level of knowledge’s about illness. Research purpose — to study the role of psychical education in the structure of complex therapy of patients with the recurrent depressive disorder. Methods were used: clinic-psychopathological, psychodiagnostical, statistical. 68 patients with the recurrent depressive disorder were inspected, up-diff used in the process of research on two groups of comparison. The patients of the fi rst group got the generally accepted therapy in combination with the developed psychical education program, the patients of the second group passed treatment the traditional methods of. The study proved that the offered psychical education program in the structure of complex therapy of the recurrent depressive disorder is instrumental in a social reintegration and increase of adaptations of patients due to mobilization of their internal backlogs, renewal of confi dence in itself, changes of relation of patients to illness, quality of life and behavioral reactions.
Key words recurrent depressive disorder, psychical education
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