Instructions for authors
The topical articles, original researches, reviews, lectures, supervisions from practice, debatable articles, scientific chronicle and short reports are accepted for the publication in a journal " Ukrayinskiy Visnyk Psykhonevrologiyi". The works on problems of clinical and experimental neurology, psychiatry and narcology, and also psychotherapy, legal pharmacology and other paramedical sciences are placed in the journal. The works on teaching the neurosciences, organization and management of psychoneurological service, historical articles and also information about the newest medications, about past and future congresses, scientific and practical conferences and seminars are publishing.
During subediting the work the following must be considered:
1. Contributions are accepted for publication on the condition that their substance has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
2. The original text of the work is given to editors in Ukrainian or English.
3. The articles are sent to the editors in 2 copies with the official requisition of establishment (1 copy), expert report (2 copies) and the electronic version in Microsoft Word. It does not allowed to divide the text of the article into separate files (except for drawings which are performed with the help of other programs).
4. The volume of the articles must not exceed: for problem and original researches, lectures and reviews - 10 pages, for the debatable articles - 8 pages, for scientific chronicle - 5 pages, for short reports - 3 pages.
5. The works are printed in font size of 12-14, through 1,5 intervals with the fields of the page: on the left — 3,5 cm, on the right - 1 cm, from above and from below — for 2,5 cm (28-30 lines are on a page, 60-70 signs are in a line).
6. The narration of the works must be clear, incorporating the following headings: Background (with the statement of actuality), Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion sections, Conclusions, the List of literary sources. Do not mark out the name of sections in the text.
7. UDC identifier, information about the authors (name, patronym or initials, last name, scientific rank, graduate degree, position or profession, the affiliations) should be a preliminary to the name of the article.
8. The list of references should include reference to domestic (Ukrainian or Russian) and obligatory to foreign sources (in English or in original language).
9. At the end of the paper there should be given the abstracts in Ukrainian and English, which include the title of work, initials and last name of the authors, full addresses of institutions at the time the work described in the paper was carried out. A volume of the abstract must not be less than 10 lines (according to the "Guidelines for preparing the abstracts" which are available on the website).
10. The article must be signed by all the authors; it is needed to specify a contact address and telephone number at the end of the article according to item 7.
11. The illustrations for the work (drawings, pictures, graphics and diagrams) are given in a white-black image, suitable for editing of electronic image. The photos must be contrastive (on a photographic paper or in a digital format with a resolution no less than 240 dpi), drawings and graphic arts — clear, tone drawings — in format *.tif, 240—300 dpi, l-size. The diagrams should be executed in Microsoft Excel.
12. The tables should be compact, have the name which complies with the content. For all drawings and tables there must be references in the text.
13. The references to the literary sources in text of the article are necessary to give in the square brackets, in accordance to the List of literature.
14. The list of literary sources is designed in accordance to DSTU GOST 7.1:2006 and must contain the works for the last 10 years. More early publications are joining in a list only in the case of necessity. The list of literary sources is the obligatory criteria for publication!
15. All physical units and elements should be pointed by system of SI, terms — in accordance to anatomic and histological nomenclatures, diagnostics — by “International classification of diseases”-10th revision.
16. Text of the article and all accompanying materials must be checked for accuracy and relevance.
17. The editorship has a right for reduction and correction of the sent articles.
18. The manuscripts which are declined during the referee process do not return to the authors. The articles which are designed without the observance of the indicated rules are not examined.
19. The coloured illustrations must be given in an electronic version for a computer as IBM PC. Colour model — CMYK. Vector graphics are in a format *.cdr, *.eps, *.cmx, *.pdf, unadvisable — *.ai. Bit-mapped graphics: format *.tif, 240-300 dpi, l-size. The text and logotypes should be given only in curves. Text — in Ukrainian. The size of drawing is 205х295 mm, including allowance on cutting (after trimming — 190х285 mm, from these limits there must be no less than 5 mm to the meaningful objects). It is necessary to add the color print of illustration.