ГоловнаArchive of numbers2023Volume 31, issue 1 (114)Clinical phenomenology of stress-related disorders in conditions of full-scale invasion
Title of the article Clinical phenomenology of stress-related disorders in conditions of full-scale invasion
Authors Kozhyna  Hanna
Zelenska Kateryna
Year 2023 Issue Volume 31, issue 1 (114) Pages 35-37
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.1-055.26-057.36-02-07-036.82:001.89:355.4(477) Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V31-is1-2023-5

 In the modern conditions of full-scale Russian military aggression, the population of Ukraine undergoes a parallel formation of both individual and collective traumatization. These factors now and in the future have a negative impact on both public health (mental and physical) and individual health. In the course of study in compliance with the principles of deontology and bio ethics, a com- prehensive clinical-psychopathological and pathopsychological examination of 256 patients with stress-related disorders, of both sexes (135 women and 121 men), aged 25—65 years, was conducted. As the results of the study showed, the clinical structure of stress-related disorders in the examined patients was represented by: post-traumatic stress disorder — 29.2 % of men and 26.9 % of women; adjustment disorders — 41.5 % and 39.8 % of the examined, respectively, anxiety disorders — 29.3 % of men and 33.3 % of women. As reported by re- sults of the psychodiagnostic study, according to IES-R, 61.1 % of the examined males and 65.4 % of the females have a "full" stress disorder, for 35.2 % and 38.2 % of the examined, respectively, a "partial" stress disorder. A comprehensive personalized system was developed for the correction of stress-related disorders, based on the data obtained during this research work.
Key words stress-related disorders, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorders, full-scale invasion
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