ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 3 (96)Social frustration and peculiarities of neurotic reaction in participants of military action with trauma of eyes and partial loss of eyesight
Title of the article Social frustration and peculiarities of neurotic reaction in participants of military action with trauma of eyes and partial loss of eyesight
Authors Abdriakhimov Rostyslav
Year 2018 Issue Volume 26, issue 3 (96) Pages 10-13
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895:613.67:616-05::617.7-001.4 Index BBK -
Abstract The research was conducted to study the role of frustrating factors, stress and neurotic conditions in the development of psychological disadaptation and PTSD for the participants of battle actions with the trauma of eyes and partial loss of eyesight. 254 people took part in research. 195 people participated in battle actions, 102 got the battle trauma of eyes with the partial loss of eyesight. The comparison group consisted of 59 participants with partial loss of sight after domestic eye injury. The result is set, that the most expressed phenomena of frustration are observed for the participants of battle actions with the trauma of eyes, partial loss of eyesight accompanied by psychical disadaptation or PTSD. Frustration is related to the reaction of society, near and families on the problems of participants of battle actions. A corresponding reaction is observed from the side of levels of anxiety and neurotic violations. On the basis of results, it is possible to do next conclusions: 1) trauma of eyes with the partial loss of eyesight for the participants of battle actions on a background of psychological disadaptation and PTSD, and also for the participants of battle actions with PTSD accompanied by development of the state of frustration. Sources are personal limitations that arise up in case of trauma and absence of support from the side of society and surroundings; 2) the basis of the development of a severe stress state in response to frustration are the phenomena of mental disadaptation. In its progress, disadaptation leads to neurotization and somatization of the process against the background of the preservation of general phenomena of disadaptation; 3) at planning of psychocorrection measures of this category of victims it is necessary to apply the differentiated approach to the neutralization of diff erent sources, mechanisms of the combined pathological process.
Key words frustration, psychical disadaptation, anxiety, neuroticisms, participants of battle actions, loss of eyesight
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