ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 3 (96)Comparison of subjective and objective evaluations of the status of patients with primary depressive disorders with the aim to substantiating of therapeutic tactics
Title of the article Comparison of subjective and objective evaluations of the status of patients with primary depressive disorders with the aim to substantiating of therapeutic tactics
Authors Fedchenko Viktoriya
Year 2018 Issue Volume 26, issue 3 (96) Pages 55-60
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8-008.64:615.07-8 Index BBK -
Abstract The article presents the results of clinical and psychopathological research, which indicate a definite difference between the objective assessment of the "severity" of the depressive episode and the subjective evaluation by patients of their condition and can be used as targets of psychotherapeutic eff ect. The eff ectiveness of using cognitive- behavioral therapy as the leading method of psychotherapy for this category of patients is substantiated, which allows changing the patient’s perception of oneself and his/her abilities to more positive ones, to improve social adaptation of patients, to improve relationships with others, to reduce self-accusations.
Key words primary depressive disorders, subjective assessment of the severity of depression, cognitive-behavioral therapy
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