ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 2 (95)Psychodiagnostics of the posttraumatic stress disorder in participants of local military operations
Title of the article Psychodiagnostics of the posttraumatic stress disorder in participants of local military operations
Authors Druz' Oleg
Hrynevych Yevheniia
Chernenko Inna
Year 2018 Issue Volume 26, issue 2 (95) Pages 37-43
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008 Index BBK -
Abstract The article provide the results of research the relationship’s force and number between indicators of clinical-psychopathological (“gold standard”) and psychodiagnostic survey the participants of local military operations (PLMO) in Ukraine. On this basis the “Protocol quantifi ed, psychodiagnostic, psychometric assessment of PTSD and its associated states of the participants ATO”. were developed. This protocol contains the optimal amount of psycho-diagnostic techniques with proven suffi cient degree of validity (eff ectiveness the diagnosis of stress mental disorders) and allows to give the quantifi er assessment of psychopathology in the structure of PTSD and mental disorders, associated with it among PLMO; establish mechanisms of self-reactive specifi c adaptive psychological and behavioral changes as a result of multiple stressors, including intense combat stress; medical and social consequences of PTSD (suicidal behavior, substance use, the impact of PTSD on the brain function, cognitive and intellectual functions, inadequate and dysfunctional processing of stressful traumatic experiences); combat situation stressful factors and stressors. Application of this protocol will help shape the direction of adequate medical, preventive, therapeutic interventions and rehabilitation procedures.
Key words poststress mental disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, local war, military personnel, psychodiagnostic, psychoprophylaxis, treatment, rehabilitation
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