ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 2 (95)Formation of depressive behavior in patients with recurrent depressive disorders
Title of the article | Formation of depressive behavior in patients with recurrent depressive disorders | ||||
Authors |
Fedchenko Viktoriya |
Year | 2018 | Issue | Volume 26, issue 2 (95) | Pages | 99-103 |
Type of article | Scientific article | Index UDK | 616.895.4 | Index BBK | - |
Abstract | The article presents the transformation of the perception of their own illness and, as a consequence, personal change in patients with recurrent depressive disorders, depending on the duration of the disease and its eff ect on the formation of a depressive style of behavior. The dynamics of the use of leading coping strategies, as well as personal orientations and features of subjective perception of individual time at diff erent stages of the disease are revealed. | ||||
Key words | recurrent depressive disorders, depressive behavior, leading coping strategies | ||||
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