ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 2 (95)Features of the eff ect behavioral and psycho-emotional stresspotentiating factors on the development of cerebrovascular pathology
Title of the article Features of the eff ect behavioral and psycho-emotional stresspotentiating factors on the development of cerebrovascular pathology
Authors Yavorska Tеtіana
Year 2018 Issue Volume 26, issue 2 (95) Pages 108-111
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.48:616-05 : 616.17-008.1:616.831-005.] - 08+615.851+616-084 Index BBK -
Abstract The research includes clinical, psychological and psychodiagnostic observation of 383 patients with cerebrovascular pathology (CVP) of varying levels of manifestation: from a high risk of developing a disease due to the presence of cardiovascular risk factors (with its clinical and laboratory verifi cation), to a vascular catastrophe in anamnesis. Established that patients with CVP subjected to an ultra-high stress level for them, which, in combination with the decreased ability to stress-resistance, is a signifi cant factor in the onset and progression of the cerebrovascular diseases. Pathological infl uence of psychosocial stress realized through meaningfully diff erent stress-potentiating factors, depending on the stage CVP. The spectrum of stresspotentiating factors transformed with the CVP progression: on the initial stages, the most negative eff ect had behavioral factors that became lower during disease fl owing, and then giving way to psycho-emotional factors that contribute in progression and aggravating the course of the CVP. In addition, concluded that the core of the medical-psychological work with patients with cerebrovascular diseases should be increasing their ability to stress-resistance and transformation of life style, as pathogenetic defenses health-saving resources.
Key words cerebrovascular pathology, psychosocial stress, stresspotentiating factors, behavioral factors, psycho-emotional factors
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