ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 2 (95)Clinical psychopathological features of nonpsychotic mental disorders in patients with rheumatoid arthritis dependent on the disease duration
Title of the article Clinical psychopathological features of nonpsychotic mental disorders in patients with rheumatoid arthritis dependent on the disease duration
Authors Savka Svitlana
Year 2018 Issue Volume 26, issue 2 (95) Pages 90-94
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008:616.72-002.77]-092` Index BBK -
Abstract The clinical-psychopathological features of nonpsychotic mental disorders (NMD) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) depending on the duration of the disease are described in the article. On the basis of a comprehensive clinical psychopathological study data were obtained on the structure of NMD in RA: in the main group with a total duration of rheumatoid arthritis up to 5 years (MG I) in comparison with the main group with duration of rheumatoid arthritis from 5 to 10 years (MG II), were predominantly disorders of adaptation on 11.9 %: 27.3 % in MG I and 15.4 % in MG IІ (p < 0.05); somatoform disorder was more often diagnosed with an advantage of 11.3 % with 23.6 % in MG I and 12.3 % in MG II (p < 0.04); anxious-phobic disorder was dominated by 15.4 %: 20.0 % in MG I and 4.6 % in MG II (p < 0.006), and in the MG II, compared with the MG I, the mixed anxiety-depressive disorder was more often diagnosed with an advantage of 34.2 %, namely 61.5 % and 27.3 % (p < 0.0001). On the measure of the development of RA, the general indexes of the level of depression increased from 9,16 points to 10.84 point(p < 0.05) and general indexes of the level of anxiety — from 11,10 points to 13,12 point (p < 0.05). The system of diagnostic of NMD in patients with RA has been scientifi cally substantiated, developed and implemented, as a result of the conducted clinical and psychopathological research.
Key words nonpsychotic mental disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, clinical and psychopathological features, depression, anxiety
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