ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 2 (91)Phenomenological specifi cs of clinical manifestations of dissociative disorders resistance
Title of the article Phenomenological specifi cs of clinical manifestations of dissociative disorders resistance
Authors Yavdak Iryna
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 2 (91) Pages 97-100
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.85-039-07 Index BBK -
Abstract The data of integrated clinical and psychopathological study aimed at examining clinical manifestations of dissociative disorder resistance is given. The paper analyzed characteristic features of disease onset, psychological traumatization factors, syndromal structure of clinical and psychopathological disorder manifestations, comparing the results of two groups, identifying those who demonstrated the signs of resistance and without them. The specifi c clinical and psychopathological symptoms of dissociative disorders were identifi ed, including evident somatic and neurological complications; protracted onset of the disease; limiting one's own worries only to the sphere of health; predominance of permanent somatic-vegetative disorders in the clinical picture; a combination of several psychopathology (hypochondriac, depressive, phobic) syndromes; developing rigid «restrictive» behavior and reactions of hostility and disapproval towards others.
Key words resistance, clinical picture, dissociative disorders
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