ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 2 (91)Effect of the drug Entrop on cognitive function and quality of life of patients with craniocerebral trauma
Title of the article Effect of the drug Entrop on cognitive function and quality of life of patients with craniocerebral trauma
Authors Grygorova Iryna
Teslenko Olga
Novak Alina
Tykhonova Liudmyla
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 2 (91) Pages 11-15
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-001-085.31-036.8 Index BBK -
Abstract The estimation of the clinical effi ciency of preparation Entrop (“OlainFarm”, Latvia) the therapy of cognitive defects in patients with closed craniocerebral trauma of mild and moderate severity in its various periods has been made. The results of the research show good effi ciency of nootropic drugs, especially Entrop, for the eff ect on cognitive defects during all periods of craniocerebral trauma. It is shown that even a relatively short course of treatment (30 days) signifi cantly normalizes subjective manifestations of the disease, has a pronounced positive eff ect on the emotional state of patients and normalizes memory. It results in an improvement in the social adaptation of patients and therefore to an improvement in the quality of life. The best dynamics and more persistent positive changes in the quality of life were shown by patients who received the drug Entrop. The treatment led to the better indicators of quality of life at its beginning already in acute and intermediate periods of craniocerebral trauma. Normalization of cognitive functions in the use of the drug Entrop was more pronounced and stable in comparison with traditional nootropics.
Key words craniocerebral trauma, cognitivedefects, quality of life, Entrop
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