ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 2 (91)Cognitive-emotional disbalance (defi ciency) concept and its value in pathways of mental pathology and self-destructive behaviour
Title of the article Cognitive-emotional disbalance (defi ciency) concept and its value in pathways of mental pathology and self-destructive behaviour
Authors Pyliagina Galyna
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 2 (91) Pages 65-69
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-092-008.447-008.19 Index BBK -
Abstract Pathway of the neurotic disturbances and manifest variants of selfdestructive behaviour (SDB) based on psychotraumatic experience at the childhood, mainly as deviant child-parental relations. Cognitive-emotional disbalance or deficiency (CEDD) is a certain psychological measure of psychotraumatization by deviant child-parental mutual relations. The aim of this article — the description a psychological phenomenon as CEDD and its characteristics as pathway basement of mental pathology various kinds and of SDB. CEDD is a disproportional psychological development of the person, as a result of the chronic deviations in deviant child-parental mutual relations or extreme psychotraumatic event. CEDD is the basic characteristic of a disintegration in psychological processes cognitive and emotional functioning in interaction with a reality and also in internal experience of such interaction. It has two basic variants CEDD: is regressive-emotional and hypercognitive. CEDD is one of the important pathogenetic components of various psychopathological disturbances and variants of SDB. The psychological mechanisms understanding and its features determination is reasonable diagnostic way of mental disturbances. And also it is obligatory to input in psychotherapeutic intervention at concrete kinds of neurotic mental pathology.
Key words Cognitive-emotionaldisbalance or defi ciency, mental disturbances,self-destructive behaviour,deviant child-parental mutual relations
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