ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 2 (91)Clinico-psychopathological characteristics of dissociative disorder with comorbid addiction
Title of the article Clinico-psychopathological characteristics of dissociative disorder with comorbid addiction
Authors Denysenko Mykhailo
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 2 (91) Pages 101-104
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.444.9-008.47-036.65 Index BBK -
Abstract To investigate the clinical and psychopathological features of dissociative disorders with addiction in the clinical structure, were analyzed features of their formation and fl ow, psychotraumatic factors, severity of neurotic symptoms and their specifi c syndromal structure. It was established that dissociative disorders with addiction characteri zed by subacute or a protracted onset of the disease, a combination of acute and chronic stressful factors, high intensity of psychopathology, particularly in neurotic depression, auto nomic disorders, such as hysterical response, obsessive-phobic disorders and fatigue, as well as representation in syndromal structure of dysphoric, somatovegetative and obsessive syndromes. It was found that the severity of neurotic symptoms is directly related to the level of addictiveness of patients with dissociative disorders.
Key words dissociative disorders, addiction, clinical and psychopathological symptoms, correlation
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