ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 2 (91)Clinical content and severity of depressive and anxiety phenomena in the structure of neurotic anxious-depressive disorders with various psychogenesis in women (IDPs and wives of military men — participants in ATO)
Title of the article Clinical content and severity of depressive and anxiety phenomena in the structure of neurotic anxious-depressive disorders with various psychogenesis in women (IDPs and wives of military men — participants in ATO)
Authors Shpyloviy Yaroslav
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 2 (91) Pages 88-91
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89 Index BBK -
Abstract The aim of the work is the establishment of the structure and severity of depression in women with neurotic anxious-depressive disorders with various psychogenesis for substantiate the diff erentiation in therapeutic approaches. The research provided at Lviv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital. In the study participated 200 women: 150 patients with anxious-depressive disorders of the neurotic register, and 78 of them were IDPs (IDPW) and 72 — wives of military men the participants in ATO (WMM), 25 patients with endogenous depression (CG-ED) and 25 mentally healthy women (CG-H). Psychic state was investigated by clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods (HDRS and HARS). For the clinical content and for the severity of anxious-depressive symptoms, in the women of IDPW group psychopathological symptoms were more intensive than in WMM group. On our opinion, in these women we can talk about the presence of a "complex of interrelated symptoms of involuntary resettlement," which led to the formation of special mental states of the personality, characterized by the appearance in the initial period of adaptation a complex of signifi cant depressive experiences. It was also found that in women in IDPW and WMM groups was a tendency to "hide" the symptoms of anxiety, which was revealed during an objective assessment (p<0.05). Great variability and severity of anxiety disorder in IDPW caused by the main traumatic factor —"excitement for one's life and health in the future". The majority of the disturbances directed at the situation of uncertainty and diffi culties of life activity in connection with resettlement. The obtained data were our basis in developing a complex diff erentiated system of specialized medical help for women with neurotic anxious-depressive disorders with various psychogenesis.
Key words neurotic anxious-depressive disorders, depression, anxiety, psychogenesis, women
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