ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 4 (89)The role of electroencephalographic examination in a detection of hepatoencephalopathy in patients with hepatobiliary pathology
Title of the article The role of electroencephalographic examination in a detection of hepatoencephalopathy in patients with hepatobiliary pathology
Authors Voloshyna Natalia
Nikishkova Iryna
Pisotska Kseniia
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 4 (89) Pages 111-114
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 612.014.423:001.8:616.8:616.36-071 Index BBK -
Abstract The article is devoted to the problem of a defining of hepatoencephalopathy (HE) in patients with hepatobiliary pathology (HBP) with electroencephalography (EEG). EEG examination was performed in 75 patients including 14 patients with dyskinesia of bile ducts, 28 patients with cholelithiasis, and 33 patients with secondary biliar cirrhosis. To define EEG-signs of HE it was used a detailed classification of EEG types, which were inherent to HE. A spectral EEG analysis for patients with different HBP severity demonstrated that EEG patterns, inherent to different stages of HE progressing, were registered in 57 patients (76.0 %) (p < 0.001). Along with this, EEG-signs of HE were detected in 42.8 % of patients with dyskinesia of bile ducts, in 67.8 % of patients with cholelithiasis, and in 78.8 % of patients with cirrhosis. In 18 patients (24.0 %) EEGsigns of HE were absent. A presence of EEG changes, which were inherent to HE, in part of patients with HBP evidenced not only efficacy, but also a significance of the electroencephalography usage for differential diagnosis of functional brain damages despite of a HBP seve rity. EEG examination should be recommended as a routine method in management of patients with hepatobiliary pathology from its early stages in order to diag nose timely and to assess proba bility of HE progressing and efficacy of its treatment.
Key words electroencephalography, hepatoencephalopathy, hepatobiliary pathology, diagnosis, classifi cation
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