ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 4 (89)Features of social support in women with neurotic anxietydepressive disorder different genesis (internally displaced persons and wives of military servicemen — anti-terrorist operation participants
Title of the article Features of social support in women with neurotic anxietydepressive disorder different genesis (internally displaced persons and wives of military servicemen — anti-terrorist operation participants
Authors Shpyloviy Yaroslav
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 4 (89) Pages 102-104
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89 Index BBK -
Abstract Purpose — to establish features of social support in women with neurotic anxiety and depressive disorders diff erent genesis to justify differentiation therapeutic approaches. With clinical psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods based on "Lviv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital" examined 200 women, 150 people with anxiety and depressive disorders neurotic case (78 — internally displaced and 72 — wives of anti-terrorist operation members), 25 patients with endogenous depression and 25 mentally healthy women. From the perspective of an external adaptive resource, situation of forced displacement are more traumatic for women, than the excitement of wives of man who takes part in hostilities. Lack formed social networks and lack of social support both from the family (for often family these women have young children or elderly parents, who themselves need support) and from friends (who in most cases were in the last place of residence or forced moved to another location), and signifi cant others (primarily social workers faced by internally displaced persons, volunteers, doctors, etc.), making internally displaced persons more vulnerable to the action of stress factors than women with neurotic disorders other psychogenesis or patients with classic depressive disorder. These data formed the basis us in the development of complex diff erentiated system of specialized medical care for women with neurotic standard TPL various psychogenesis
Key words neurotic anxiety-depressive disorders, psychogenesis, women, social support
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