ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 4 (89)Features of representation of subjective picture of life’s journey in patients with adjustment disorders
Title of the article Features of representation of subjective picture of life’s journey in patients with adjustment disorders
Authors Shestopalova Liudmyla
Buchok Yurii
Maruta Oksana
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 4 (89) Pages 93-95
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 159.96:616.85:616-003.96 Index BBK -
Abstract The results of psycho-diagnostic studies of the representation of subjective picture of life in patients with adjustment disorders was characterized by impaired perception of the life path of the event structure for them, the decrease in the number of past and future positive events, the increase of minor events, as well as low-structuring lifetime. To determine the typological models of subjective picture of life’s journey were marked the most signifi cant characteristics of psychological autobiography such as the saturation fi eld event that refl ects the activity or inactivity of the person as the subject of life, focus on the past or future events and the tendency to commit to positive or negative events. It is shown that in patients with adjustment disorders prevailed passive type, focused on the negative past with the dominance of social events, a few less patients have active, with a focus on positive developments in the future and active, focused on past positive events, and the rarest it was a passive latching positive on past.
Key words life’s journey, subjective picture of life’s journey, adjustment disorders, types of
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