ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 4 (89)Features of emotional condition cancer patients at the stage of primary treatment
Title of the article Features of emotional condition cancer patients at the stage of primary treatment
Authors Mukharovska Inna
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 4 (89) Pages 69-71
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89:616-006-052 Index BBK -
Abstract High levels of anxious and depressive symptoms indicated for the acute mental stress reactions associated with cancer and anti-tumor therapy. The severity of anxiety and depression at the stage of primary treatment increased to the clinical levels and anxiety prevailed under depressive symptoms. Severity and structure anxious and depressive symptoms in cancer patients who received diff erent types of anticancer treatments was similar. The leading manifestations of anxious symptom complex were anxiety, inner tension and anxious thoughts. The leading role in depressive manifestations played anhedonia, pessimistic perception of the future and reduced vitality. Psycho-emotional experiences of cancer patients and assessment prognosis of the disease depend on the intended method of anticancer treatment. The most attractive for cancer patients was surgical treatment, whereas radiotherapy and chemotherapy were associated with worse prognosis.
Key words cancer patients, psychooncology, anticancer treatment, psycho-emotional state
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