ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 4 (89)Clinical signs of resistant forms of neurasthenia
Title of the article Clinical signs of resistant forms of neurasthenia
Authors Yavdak Iryna
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 4 (89) Pages 108-110
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.891.4-07 Index BBK -
Abstract The paper presents the results of clinical psychopathological study on the analysis of the clinical signs of drugresistant forms of neurasthenia. The study involved 50 patients suffering from neurasthenia, among which 21 patients (42.0 %) demonstrated signs of resistance (the main group) and 29 patients (58.0 %) demonstrated no signs of resistance (control group). The clinical picture of drug-resistant forms of neurasthenia was proved to be characterized mainly by disease progression of protracted type; by evidence of somatization and affective disorders manifested as depression and dysphoria; by dominance of complicated symptom complexes with additional depression, hypochondria and cenesthopathy manifestations alongside with leading asthenic symptoms in syndromological structure.
Key words resistance, neurasthenia, clinical picture
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