ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 4 (89)Clinical and psychopathological aspects autoaggressive behavior in patients with a fi rst psychotic episode, taking into account biological rhythms
Title of the article Clinical and psychopathological aspects autoaggressive behavior in patients with a fi rst psychotic episode, taking into account biological rhythms
Authors Boiko Dmytro
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 4 (89) Pages 40-42
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.441.44/45-036.4:57.034 Index BBK -
Abstract The first psychotic episode — a severe mental disorder that this hour has been studied extensively, an important aspect in this case is auto-aggressive behavior with it, but not enough attention is paid to the study of biological rhythms infl uence on their formation. The study included 130 patients with auto-aggressive behavior in fi rst-episode psychosis. It was found that certain psychopathological symptoms associa ted with the level of suicide risk, namely the "tension", "hostility", "affectation", "excitement", "suspicious", "attitude towards his physical state", "alarm", "depressed mood", "feelings of guilt"; circadian biological rhythms correlates with the risk and the level of severity autoaggressive behavior, namely a clearly defi ned and poorly expressed evening types of disability, for further study of autoaggression in fi rst-episode psychosis with the infl uence of biological rhythms — a promising area of current research in psychiatry aimed at improving prevention and treatment and rehabilitation.
Key words fi rst psychotic episode, auto-aggressive behavior, biological rhythms
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