ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 4 (89)Anthropological factor and peculiarities of the brain bioelectric activity in patients with neuroses
Title of the article Anthropological factor and peculiarities of the brain bioelectric activity in patients with neuroses
Authors Kutikov Oleksandr
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 4 (89) Pages 65-68
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 572.7:612.014.423:616.85 Index BBK -
Abstract In the article peculiarities of organization of the brain bioelectric activity in patients with neurotic disorders were described in connection with anthropomorphological characteristics of these patients. In the study 143 patients with various forms of neuroses (F40, F41, F45, F48.0) were examined and diff erences of the brain functional conditions were revealed in persons with diff erent predominant anthropological types (or anthropological phenotypic variants (APhV)). According to electroencephalography (EEG) data, it was shown that among patients who belonged to Armenoid APhV a regular α-rhythm with a clear topic distribution occurred in 1.5 times more frequently that in the cohort at whole, as well as there was a complete absence of persons with the polyrhythmic EEG type (p < 0.001). At the same time, for persons with Mediterranean APhV number of a disorganized EEG cases was signifi cantly higher in 1.5—2 times (p < 0.05), whereas a presence of an organized EEG was in 5 times lower (p < 0.01). A generalization of α-activity was characteristic for EEG of a half from patients with Uralic and Alpine APhVs, whereas an irregular and poor-manifested α-activity was inherent in EEG of practically 70 % of patients, who belonged to Atlantic- Baltic, Dinaric, and Mediterranea APhVs. Thus, in neuroses the most stable brain functional activity was registered in persons with Armenoid APhV; a tendency toward stability was pointed out also in Alpine APhV. Integrative and rhythmogenic brain mechanisms were turned out the most vulnerable in persons who belonged to Mediterranean APhV; patients with Atlanto-Baltic, Dinaric, and Uralic AphVs demonstrated a tendency toward such a vulnerability.
Key words  anthrological type, brain bioelectrical activity, EEG, neurotic disorders, stability, vulnerability
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