ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 4 (89)Alcohol dependence in the presence of social distress: epidemiological, clinical and therapeutical aspects
Title of the article Alcohol dependence in the presence of social distress: epidemiological, clinical and therapeutical aspects
Authors Gaponov Kostiantyn
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 4 (89) Pages 54-60
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 613.861::616.895::613.816 Index BBK -
Abstract The paper presented the detailed analysis of current scientifi c views of the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of alcohol dependence (AD) in the presence of social distress. The article demonstrated the conclusion that AD — is a common medical and social problem which is extremely important in terms of social and economic changes and military confl icts. According to the numerous studies, the authors point out that there is a close link between distress and AD both at the population level (AD is more common in people who have experienced greater distress) and at the genetic and biochemical levels (common genes and biochemical substances involved in adaptation to stress and dependence progress). These common mechanisms cause comorbidity between post-stress state and AD, where by alcohol often plays a role of maladaptive coping strategy which fi xes up at the neurophysiological level in the form of classical conditioning. Due to this, the therapeutic approach of AD patients with post-stress comorbidity should be based on a biopsychosocial principal with complex treatment assignment. Most existing psychological interventions for the treatment of AD patients do not take into account the presence of comorbid symptoms and possible negative eff ects of stress in the form of increasing the risk of alcoholic excess or systemic eff ects as post-stress state with corresponding symptomatolo gy which require more detailed study, modifi cation of existing treatment or development a new models of care.
Key words alcohol dependence, social distress
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