ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 3 (88)The assessment of women` life quality whose husbands have the schizophrenia symptoms
Title of the article The assessment of women` life quality whose husbands have the schizophrenia symptoms
Authors Pshuk Nataliia
Herasymuk Valeriіa
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 3 (88) Pages 62-64
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.45-001/.3-055.2: 616.895.8 Index BBK -
Abstract It was examined the 109 wives whose husbands are ill with schizophrenia with the aim of their life quality and social function assessment. The total life quality assessment in women of the main group was obviously lower in comparison with the control one — 80.15 ± 8.36 and 89.27 ± 9.14 (р < 0,0001). The average life quality numbers analyses proved that the low life quality level of the women whose husbands are ill with schizophrenia was mentioned according to the low assessment in the sphere of "social relationships", "surrounding" and "psychological sphere", which evaluate such important spheres of social functioning as physical safety, living and fi nancial conditions, the possibility of getting the high quality medical and social care, the possibility for entertainment and rest, positive and negative emotions. The revealed specifi c would be taken into consideration in time of psychocorrection programs development.
Key words life quality, social functioning,paranoid schizophrenia, familyfunctioning
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