ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 3 (88)Individually-psychological peculiarities of women with alopecia
Title of the article Individually-psychological peculiarities of women with alopecia
Authors Aimedov Сonstantin
Zhyvylko Volodymyr
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 3 (88) Pages 34-37
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.594.14-06:616.8]-055.2-085.851 Index BBK -
Abstract Till modern time alopecia (hair loss) is extremely urgent problem that takes an important place in the fi eld of skin pathology. The impact of the disease towards psyche is depending on the varies of eff ects that the disease causes in human life. Psychological peculiarities of patients with alopecia are: disturbances in emotional and volitional sphere; disturbances in the sphere of personality. The social component of maladjustment in patients with alopecia is in violation of relationships in the family, violation of social functioning in the professional sphere and in the area of communication. In this article the author analyzes a comprehensive study of personality peculiarities of women with alopecia.
Key words alopecia, personality peculiarities, emotional characteristics, anxiety, depression, neuroticism, aggression
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