ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 3 (88)Behavior in confl ict situations between spouses in families of women with diff erent state of addictive behaviour and family health
Title of the article Behavior in confl ict situations between spouses in families of women with diff erent state of addictive behaviour and family health
Authors Savina Maiia
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 3 (88) Pages 65-67
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.48::616-055.2 Index BBK -
Abstract 421 married couples participated in the clinical and psychological examination and diagnostics. In 321 married couples had been diagnosed family abuse and addictive behavior (AB) in women, 50 couples have violation of family relationships, and 50 more — a harmonious relationship. The article identifi ed the features of confl ict behavior of spouses depending on family health state and addictive behavior in women. The results indicate that the lack of constructive behavior in confl ict situations inherent in all troubled spouses. These behavioral patterns that, on the one hand, became the basis for the development of family health problems, and on the other — to potentiate its progression, were not significant differences among the distressed families. We believe that confl ict behavior, inherent to women with the AB, did not have a material impact on its formation, however, the presence of the AB, especially at the level of clinically delineated disorders adversely aff ect the progression of disruptive behavior, thereby worsening violation of family functioning. The data were put in us the basis to develop the system of psychological correction and psychoprophylactic support family health in the presence of AB in women.
Key words confl ict behavior, addictivebehavior, women, family healthdisorders
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