ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 2 (87)The emotional disturbances of anxiety disorders patients and psychotherapy correction principles
Title of the article The emotional disturbances of anxiety disorders patients and psychotherapy correction principles
Authors Chorna Tetiana
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 2 (87) Pages 93-95
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.891-085:615.851 Index BBK -
Abstract The resultants of investigation of emotional sphere of anxiety disorders patients are presented in the article. The purpose of the research was the discovering the emotional disturbances peculiarities on anxiety disorders patients with the diff erent nososyndromal origin. The complex investigation of 115 patients was performed with the three groups diff erentiation: I group patients most expressed with paroxysms status, II groups was the intermediate position, in III group — permanent. With the patopsychological investigations data the high level of personality anxiety and reactive anxiety were most expressive. Based on the investigation data the diff erential psychotherapy model was established with the cognitive-behavioral therapy and group therapy was performed. After the system approbation the high effi cacy was proven on 72 % I group patients, 68 % II groups patients, and 78 % III groups patients.
Key words anxiety disorders, emotional disorders, psycho therapy correction
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