ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 2 (87)The course of post-traumatic stress disorder among the demobilized members of the antiterrorist operation, located on rehabilitation in sanatorium conditions
Title of the article The course of post-traumatic stress disorder among the demobilized members of the antiterrorist operation, located on rehabilitation in sanatorium conditions
Authors Mykhailov Boris
Serdiuk Oleksandr
Halachenko Oleksandr
Halachenko Victoriia
Vashkite Inna
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 2 (87) Pages 69-73
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.891.6-092:616-001 Index BBK -
Abstract Attention was giving to historical digression on the question of occurrence of various mental disorders and behavior of psychogenic origin, in particular post-traumatic stress disorder. Questions of defi nition, etiology and pathogenesis, primary diagnosis of PTSD among the demobilized members of the antiterrorist operation, located on rehabilitation in sanatorium conditions. The basic groups (clusters) of neurotic, patopersonal and psychopathological manifestations in this group of patients were obtaining. Paying attention to medical and psychological rehabilitation of demobilized members of the antiterrorist operation in sanatorium conditions.
Key words post-traumatic stress disorder, disadaptation, demobilized members of the antiterrorist operation, the program of medico-psychological rehabilitation, sanatorium-resort conditions
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