ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 2 (87)Monitoring and activation of visual perception of color panoramic analogues traffi c lights and psychophysiological aspects of road safety
Title of the article Monitoring and activation of visual perception of color panoramic analogues traffi c lights and psychophysiological aspects of road safety
Authors Sosin Ivan
Chuiev Yurii
Honcharova Olena
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 2 (87) Pages 90-92
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 159.931-159.937:159.938.362.62 Index BBK -
Abstract The study included two groups of drivers of vehicles for 25 people in each group. In the study group training was carried out on a new technology based on the use of the modifi ed table Schulte (with full-color traffi c light on red, yellow and green). In the control group, the training was conducted by conventional (black and white) tables Schulte. The ability of the respondents to a core group of high-speed switching of attention and perception of color unique pano ramic traffic was reached already after 3-day training, while the control group — the 6th day. It was found that the proposed modifi cation of the Schulte tables improves: 1) the intensity of attention; 2) the amount of attention; 3) concentration (focus); 4) distribution of attention; 5) swit ching of attention; 6) sta bili ty of attention; 7) distractibility; 8) memory mobilization. The ability of respondents to perform the test tasks on the accuracy of sensorimotor coordination of movements and targeted actions with a laser test. The presence of associated anamnestic medical history information about the periodic episodes of alcohol abuse and early morning tremor is the basis for referral to consultation to narcologists for identifying alcohol dependence within the framework of narcology preventive inspection.
Key words driver, physiological function, panoramic perception, color, traffi c light, monitoring
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