ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 2 (87)Medical and psychological correction emotional disorders in patients with anxiety neurotic and organic genesis disorders: rationale for diff erentiated approach
Title of the article Medical and psychological correction emotional disorders in patients with anxiety neurotic and organic genesis disorders: rationale for diff erentiated approach
Authors Zakladnyi Maksym
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 2 (87) Pages 47-52
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895-615.851-616.89-02-084 Index BBK -
Abstract Purpose — to study the diff erentiation of approaches to medical and psychological treatment of emotional disorders in patients with anxiety disorders (AD) neurotic and organic genesis, the defi nition of targets and the impact of general principles for its implementation. At the Poltava Region psychoneurological Dispensary examined 200 patients with anxiety disorders. 100 patients with neurotic ge ne sis of AD amounted to group 1, 100 other patients with AD organic origin — a group 2. The stage of medical and psychological treatment, each group was divided into 2 subgroups of 50 patients: subgroup intervention and subgroup control, which helped evaluate the eff ectiveness proposed measures. Based on the established clinical polymorphism identifi ed psyhopatogenesis difference sin terms of vulnerability to the action of contextual factors and response to macro- and micro-effects of psychosocial stress factors andthedifferencepathopersonologicalandbehavioralpatternsinpatientswith AD different genesis, the necessity of a diff erentiated approach to medical and psychological work with patients with AD, given the diff erent orientation of psychotargets, depending on their genesis. The proposed diff erentiated program of medical and psychological treatment of emotional disorders in patients with AD, depending on their origins, consisting of 6 stages, contains 6 modules and consists of cognitivebehavioral group therapy, art therapy, autogenous training and elements of social and psychological training. Follow-up study, made after 1 year from the beginning of proved eff ectiveness differentiated approach compared to the regulated activities.
Key words anxiety disorders, neurotic disorders, organic disorders, differentiated medical and psychological correction
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