ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 2 (87)Depressive disorders emigrants and re-emigrants: clinical psychotic phenomenology, modern approaches to treatment
Title of the article Depressive disorders emigrants and re-emigrants: clinical psychotic phenomenology, modern approaches to treatment
Authors Venger Olena
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 2 (87) Pages 34-36
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.4-008.47-08:362.18 Index BBK -
Abstract The development of measures for the treatment of depressive disorders in emigrants and re-emigrants based on research and analysis of clinical and psychiatric phenomenology of depression. The study involved 196 emigrants, 191 re-emigrants and 198 non-emigrants suffering from psychogenic depressive disorder, endogenous and organic genesis using depression scales M. Hamilton, Montgomery — Asberg questionnaire and severity of psy chopathology Symptom Check List-90-Revised. The most pronounced manifestations of depression found in re-emigrants, the lowest — in non-emigrants, while organic depression patients exhibit the most severe depressive ma ni festations, and patients with psychogenic depressive disorders — the easiest. In the re-emigrants and emigrants, patients with depressive disorders, anxiety and depression in addition to trends, signs of somatization, obsessive- compulsive disorder, hostility, phobic anxiety and interpersonal sensitivity, also most pronounced in the reemigrants. Based on the study of clinical and psychopathological features of depressive disorders in emigrants and re-emigrants was off ered eff ective treatment regimen which includes four phases — diagnostic, comprehensive treatment, rehabilitation and preventive and includes medication, psychotherapy and social rehabilitation. The proposed study on the basis of clinical and psychopathological features of depressive disorders in emigrants and re-emigrants integrated circuit four-stage treatment revealed signifi cantly greater its eff ectiveness.
Key words emigrants, re-emigrants, depressive disorders, treatment
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