ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)The results of the clinical, psychiatric and psychological study of the families whose children suff ering from cerebral palsy and autism after the psychosocial rehabilitation
Title of the article The results of the clinical, psychiatric and psychological study of the families whose children suff ering from cerebral palsy and autism after the psychosocial rehabilitation
Authors Rakhmanov R.
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 75-78
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89; 615.851 Index BBK -
Abstract The article contains results of complex clinical, psychiatric and psychological research and dynamic observation of parents whose children suffering from cerebral palsy and autism. A diff erential diagnostics of mental disorders in the parents of acute and chronic stage of the disease of their children are analyzed. Psychosocial rehabilitation of children with autism and cerebral palsy had a positive indirect impact on the mental health of parents: decrease of neurotic, phobic disorders and hypochondria, levels of anxiety and depression, aggression and negativity. Level of parent’s mental health, regardless of the eff ectiveness of child psychotherapy and psychosocial rehabilitation, were modest and insuffi cient. Child psychosocial rehabilitation should involve the parents, which will optimize measures of primary prevention of mental disorders in the family and develop for them a comprehensive treatment algorithm.
Key words mental disorders, psychosocial rehabilitation, psychotherapy parents, children, cerebral palsy, autism
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