ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)Structural and phenomenological peculiarities of addictive behavior disorders in women with family interaction
Title of the article Structural and phenomenological peculiarities of addictive behavior disorders in women with family interaction
Authors Savina Maiia
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 111-115
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.48:616-055.2 Index BBK -
Abstract In the study of structural and phenomenological peculiarities addictive behavior (AB) in women with impairments of family interaction, based on a comprehensive study of 321 women in violation of family relationships and manifestations AB varying severity (study group), and 50 women with impairments family seamlessly addictive nature (comparison group) revealed the following. Among women study groups AB severity at the use of harmful eff ects were found in 46.7 %, unsafe use of 28.0 %, depending on the state of 25.2 %. Women comparison groups, respectively, relatively safe capture/ use found in 52.0 %; the use of harmful consequences — in 30.0 %, unsafe drinking — to 10.0 %, depending on the state — of 8.0 %. Women with AB and broken family relationships are three types AB: behavioral (obsession with work, shopping, watching TV, Internet, reading, computer or gambling) — 34.6 %, chemical (alcohol, tobacco, psychostimulants, cannabinoids, sedative-hypnotic drugs) — 33.3 %, physiological (overreliance on food, sex, tea/coff ee or fi tness) — 32.1 %. The conclusion about the affi nity capture pathogenic mechanisms addictive object and / or substance use in diff erent types of AB, which in turn makes it possible to develop measures of psychological correction and send them to a common “pathogenetic link” AB, which, in our opinion, includes not only some of its type, and it is a kind of “synergism.”
Key words addictive behavior, women, family health disorders
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