ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)Predictors of postschizophrenic depression in the context of psychotherapeutic correction
Title of the article Predictors of postschizophrenic depression in the context of psychotherapeutic correction
Authors Sincha K. A.
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 84-87
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8-06-07-085.851 Index BBK -
Abstract Postschizophrenic depression is a complex heterogeneous psychopathological disorders diff erent register of belonging, where the fore changes of aff ectivity paradepression character. Predictors of postschizophrenic depression can be both endogenous and exogenous, which may be the inductor of a depressive episode and/or play exacerbation role. The aim of the study was to identify predictors postschizophrenic depression and set them congruent methods of psychotherapy. Was analyzed scientifi c materials on the research topic; medical documentation; on the basis of Public Health Institution “Regional clinical mental hospital” of the Zaporizhzhian regional council surveyed 50 patients with diagnosis postschizophrenic depression (F20.4) who underwent inpatient treatment. Research methods: content analysis, anamnestic, catamnestic, clinic-psychopathological methods. In the result was allocated psychopatogenetic components that form the basis of semiotic postschizo phrenic depression, which include: endogenous — predisposizione-patopersono logical, nosospecific, postpsychotic com ponents, exogenous organic, psychogenic — personally- existential, intrahospital, posthospital components. Named a number of options for postschizophrenic depression, phenomeno logical content which allows talk about the advisability of psychocorrectional infl uence. Systematized components methods of psychotherapy post schizophrenic depression which congruently etiopsychopathogenic components. The study argues in favor of feasibility of corrective treatment as prevention and therapeutic elements in the management of patients with postschizophrenic depression.
Key words postschizophrenic de pression, predictors of postschizophre nic depression, psychotherapy, psychoprophylaxis, psychoetiopathogenesis
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