ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)Predictors of disability progression in multiple sclerosis depending on relapse frequency and neuroimaging and immunological indicators
Title of the article Predictors of disability progression in multiple sclerosis depending on relapse frequency and neuroimaging and immunological indicators
Authors Kobys T.
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 30-36
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.832-004.2-073.756.8:612.66 Index BBK -
Abstract The paper presents the findings of a ten-year follow-up of 180 relap sing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients. We determined clinical ima ging and immunological factors of developments of active disease course. We found that the most important predictors of disability progression rate is the amount of T2 lesions more than 9, subtentorial and periventricular localization of lesions in clinically isolated syndrome, amount of T2 lesions with the size 3 mm and more, reduction of NAA/Cr, decrease of the absolute level of NK cells (СD16+CD56+), increase of the absolute level of СD19+ lymphocytes. High relapse frequency of clinical exacerbations and the presence of a large amount of T1 lesions, detected on MRI in first years of the disease, increases the risk of high disability level in long-term perspective.
Key words relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, disability progression, clinical and magnetic resonance ima ging factors
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