ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)Patients with dizziness: reactive and personal anxiety peculiarities
Title of the article Patients with dizziness: reactive and personal anxiety peculiarities
Authors Fedorchenko Svitlana
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 45-47
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8-009.832-072.8+159.9.072 Index BBK -
Abstract The purpose of the study — researching reactive and personal anxiety in patients with dizziness. The study involved 132 patients who were treated in the neurological clinic. Dizziness was one of the main symptoms. Depending on the etiology of dizziness the patients were divided into four groups: the first group — patients with cerebrovascular diseases — 43 people; the second group consisted of patients with disorders of the cervical spine — 37 people; the third group — with disorders of the peripheral vestibular apparatus — included 27 patients; the fourth group were patients with psychogenic dizziness — 28 people. A technique of С. D. Spielberger — Y. L. Hanin was used during the study. High levels of reactive and personal anxiety in patients with dizziness are pathogenetically signifi cant parameters in reducing the overall tolerance of the body and in the formation of mediated pathophysiological processes. In patients with dizziness is necessary to conduct psycho-diagnostic research to identify reactive and personal anxiety to optimize and simulate a therapeutic approach. Timely diagnosis of anxiety in patients with dizziness has practical value and enhances possibilities of complex therapy with the implementation of an anxiolytic effect.
Key words dizziness, technique C. D. Spielberger — Y. L. Hanin, reactive and personal anxiety
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