ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)Modern problems in neurosurgical treatment of pharmacoresistant facial pains
Title of the article Modern problems in neurosurgical treatment of pharmacoresistant facial pains
Authors Posokhov Mykola
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 101-103
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.833.15-089:616.834-089 Index BBK -
Abstract Modern problems in the neurosurgical treatment of pharmacoresistant facial pains (prosopalgias) are examined on the basis of a review of literature and the author’s researches. Prosopalgias develop in lesions of different parts of the facial nervous system as the result of infl ammatory, vascular, neoplastic and other pathological processes. Their clinical picture is similar, diff erential diagnosis often being extremely diffi cult. Present classifi cations of prosopalgias are far from satisfying requirements of the modern medicine to the full. With an increase in the duration of the disease the percentage of pharmacoresistant forms increases too. The tactics of treatment, indications and contraindications for a differentiated use of different surgical techniques have not been suffi ciently defi ned. The biggest problems appear in the treatment of patients with atypical pharmacoresistant prosopalgias.
Key words prosopalgia, facial pain, trigeminal neuralgia, atypical prosopalgia, facial sympathalgia, ganglionitis
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