ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)From the treatment of behavioral disorders — to the protection of mental health at adolescents
Title of the article From the treatment of behavioral disorders — to the protection of mental health at adolescents
Authors Mozgova T. P.
Leshchyna I. V.
Fedorchenko Svitlana
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 73-75
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.48-053.6-071.2 Index BBK -
Abstract The results of the study of social conditions of adolescents — “problematic” pupils with manifestations of preclinical stage of formation of behavioral disorders are shown. It was found, that positive communications, fi rmness and harmonious interaction of all in the family system; psychological attachment to both parents (usually to the mother) and psychological protection; clarity, order and justice in the distribution of roles and responsibilities of all family members; the formation of pro-social environment and monitoring the activities of the adolescent and his relationships with peers; monitoring of school performance and compliance with the rules established in the family are a guarantee of protection against violations of adolescent’s behavior. Emphasis deserves a factor of preparation and adaptation to stress infl uences, and, in particular, to the parents’ divorce. Adherence of the adolescent to sports increases tolerance to deviation of behavior.
Key words “problematic” pupils, preclinical form of behavioral disorder, protective factors
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