ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)Conceptual forming factors and principles of therapy of treatment resistant depressions
Title of the article Conceptual forming factors and principles of therapy of treatment resistant depressions
Authors Rakhman Lyudmyla
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 104-110
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.454:615.015.46]-02-091-085.214+085.851)-037 Index BBK -
Abstract In this study, based on the biopsychosocial approach in the development of treatment resistant depression (TRD) were analyzed groups of predisposition, patoforming, patoplasticity factors that are important in the process of development of TRD. Predisposition factors are age before 40, living in urban areas, higher education and unemployment status. Patoforming factors are recurrence depression, severe depressive symptoms, apathy and obsessive components in the structure of depressive symptoms. Neurodynamic component was represented by neurocognitive defi ciency as executive dysfunction, problems with attention, memory, psychomotor speed of fl ow processes and opto-spatial abilities. Neurochemical factors indicate an imbalance of prooxidant and antioxidant systems upward last one, which leads to increased to sensitivity of neuronal tissues from peroxidation that following disturbances of intracellular and extracellular factors tread. Markers such violations are signifi cant changes in translocation of monovalent ions, in particular ions Na. The immune status of patients with TRD is characterized by deregulation of cellular and humoral systems, immune activity defi ciency. The strategy of comprehensive medical care for patients with TRD has polyfactorial etiology in the concept of development, based on a biopsychosocial model with a combination of medical, social and psychological measures. The complex treatment (antidepressant, atypical neuroleptic, cognitive behavioral therapy and psyhoeducation) in the treatment of TRD contributed to a sustainable reduction of psychopathological symptoms, signifi cantly decreasing of severity of neurocognitive defi cit, signifi cantly improved the quality of life of patients has been proven and substantiated in the course of the study.
Key words treatment-resistant depression, forming factors, psychopathological characteristics, cognitive disorders, pharmacotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoeducation
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