ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)Clinical-psychopathological peculiarities of patients with neurotic disorders and comorbid addictive impairments
Title of the article Clinical-psychopathological peculiarities of patients with neurotic disorders and comorbid addictive impairments
Authors Kolyadko Svitlana
Denysenko Mykhailo
Kalenska Galyna
Yavdak Iryna
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 64-68
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89.19:616.89-008.441.1 Index BBK -
Abstract The aim of the study was to investigate typology of addictions and regularities of their formation in neurotic disorders. In order to determine a presence or an absence of an addictive impairments (AI) in the structure of neurotic disorders all the patients were examined with AUDIT-like tests. In accordance with the AUDIT-like test interpretation, which is based on an assessment of an average point for all parameters of objects of “usage”, the examined patients were conditionally divided into 2 groups: the 1st (3rd and 4th risk levels, more than 16 points; 109 patients with neurotic disorders) and 2nd (1st and 2nd risk levels, less than 16 points; 39 patients with neurotic disorders) ones. On the base of the AUDIT-like tests it was defi ned that 59.73 % of the patients were at a high risk of formation of addictive impairments, 14.09 % were at a moderate risk, and 26.17 % were at a low risk. Generalizing the results obtained, it should be emphasized that AI is often observed in the structure of neurotic disorders. Socially acceptable addictions (such as addiction to work, food, Internet, tea or coffee) were the most frequent. The study revealed groups of addictions, which were characterized with a presence of certain correlative interconnections (system-making factors under these conditions included such objects of “usage” as “alcohol”, “shopping”, and “gambling”). In investigations of inter-infl uence between neurotic disorders and AI it was found out that in addiction genesis an initiating role belonged to psychogenia itself and its dynamics did not influence on AI. It was defi ned that anxious-depressive symptoms was as a marker of AI formation, whereas anxious-phobic and asthenic syndromes suppressed its formation. It was determined AI forms, which were “antagonistic” in respect to expression of neurotic symptoms.
Key words addictive behavior, comorbid addictive impairments, neurotic disorders, psychogenia
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