ГоловнаArchive of numbers2016Volume 24, issue 1 (86)Clinic, diagnostic, psychotherapy of neurotic psychopathological disorders with arterial hypertension
Title of the article Clinic, diagnostic, psychotherapy of neurotic psychopathological disorders with arterial hypertension
Authors Nikonenko V. A.
Year 2016 Issue Volume 24, issue 1 (86) Pages 116-119
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.891-06:616.12-008.331.1}-072.85-085 Index BBK -
Abstract In this article held theoretic study on material science sources of information presented at condition modern psychopathological disorders in patients with hypertonic disease. Scientifi c and theoretic position regarding clinical manifestations psychopathological disorders in patients, depending on the stage of disease. Submitted by info on most kinds mental disorders at hypertonic disease. Overview of existing and diagnostically aspect therapy tactics. Possibility of the planned clinical and psychopathological and psychological health of research for generating diff erential-diagnostically the criteria and therapeutic, preventive of activities depressive-anxiety disorders in patients with hypertonic disease.
Key words arterial hypertension, psychopathological manifestations, clinical picture, depressive-anxiety disorders, diagnostics, psychotherapy, prevention
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