ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 4 (85)The using of agomelatin for treatment of patients with depressive disorder and comorbid chronic tension headache
Title of the article The using of agomelatin for treatment of patients with depressive disorder and comorbid chronic tension headache
Authors Grytsay Anna
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 4 (85) Pages 112-115
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.4-06:616.857-08 Index BBK -
Abstract The article pointed out the therapeutic effectiveness of ago melatin in treatment of depressive disorder and comorbid chronic tension headache. The impact on sleep quality and autonomic nervous system stabilization were assessed. The trial included 32 patients, 6 men and 26 women, from 30 till 44 years old (mean age 36,88 ± 3,71 years), which were under supervision because of depressive disorder and comorbid chronic tension headache. The agomelatin treatment was during 12 weeks (Melitor®, Servier, France). The positive effect of agomelatin was registered after 4 weeks of treatment. The results showed the significant improvement of depression and autonomic nervous system dysfunction, night sleep quali ty, monthly headache attacks reduction and analgesics’ using, pain severity reduction by visual analogue scale, decreasing of pericranial muscles strain. In work up of patients with chronic pain syndrome the diagnostics scales for depression using is necessary. The treatment of patients with depressive disorder and comorbid chronic tension headache by agomelatin 25 mg during 12 weeks has positive impact on nervous system — depression reduction, night sleep quality improvement, monthly headache attacks reduction and analgesics’ using.
Key words depressive disorder, tension headache, sleep disorder, ago melatin
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