ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 4 (85)Role of genotype characteristics in the formation of symptoms of vertigo
Title of the article Role of genotype characteristics in the formation of symptoms of vertigo
Authors Fedorchenko Svitlana
In the section
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 4 (85) Pages 30-32
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8-009.832-071 + 159.9.072 Index BBK -
Abstract The results of the study of patients hospitalized in the neurological department because of vertigo are shown in the work. It was found, that the symptom of vertigo at patients had gender and age properties: women are dominated regardless of etiopathogenetic mechanisms; among patients with cerebrovascular and craniovertebral pathology aged from 45 years; vertigo at patients with disorders of the peripheral vestibular analyzer occurs in the youngest age — from 34 years; psychogenic vertigo was typical of female patients, the male contingent occurs in isolated cases. Performance characteristics of temperament have indirect value in the formation of vertigo, which indicates the presence of reciprocal links genotypic qualities of the type of higher nervous activity with indicators of the functioning of organs and systems. The values of the characteristics of temperament at patients with vertigo reveal a violation of the internal environment of the body — homeostasis and reducing the adaptive opportunities; imbalance of temperament characteristics at patients with vertigo indicates a pathophysiological process involving suprasegmental mechanisms.
Key words the symptom of vertigo, a type of higher nervous activity, psychodiagnostic research, methodo logy of Jan Strelau
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