ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 4 (85)Psychological problems and quality of life in women with thyroid pathology
Title of the article Psychological problems and quality of life in women with thyroid pathology
Authors Varibrus Olena
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 4 (85) Pages 44-48
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89: 616.441-009 Index BBK -
Abstract The study of psychological problems and quality of life in women with thyroid pathology depending on the type of hormone dysfunction revealed a wide spectrum problem in women with this pathology, elements of psychopathogenesis and leading symptoms of psychological disadaptation due to the studied parameters. Established that women with hormonal dysfunction had lower levels of physical and psychological well-being, independence in actions, interpersonal interaction, and spiritual self-realization, the general perception of life satisfaction compared with somatically healthy women. Intragroup diff erences between women with diff erent thyroid pathology were in lower rates of self-service and independence in actions, work disability in patients with hypothyroidism and reduced level of social support in patients with hyperthyroidism. A signifi cant decline in the quality of life in patients with thyroid pathology and a wide range of psychological problems causes the necessity of development complex programs of psychological help for these patients.
Key words hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, quality of life, psychological problems
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