ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 4 (85)Nonmedicamental treatment transitory ischemic attacks and prevention of cerebral strokes and study lipid homeostasis of hair follicles of patients (hirudotherapy combined with manual therapy and nutritsiologic correction)
Title of the article Nonmedicamental treatment transitory ischemic attacks and prevention of cerebral strokes and study lipid homeostasis of hair follicles of patients (hirudotherapy combined with manual therapy and nutritsiologic correction)
Authors Labinskyi Andrii
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 4 (85) Pages 17-20
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005. 1-085. 8-084 Index BBK -
Abstract In this paper, the influence Hirudotherapy combined with nutritsiologic correction and manual therapy in patients with transitory ischemic attacks. Studied the lipid homeostasis of hair follicles of patients before and after therapy. Hirudotherapy combined with nutritsiologic correction and manual therapy in patients with transitory ischemic attacks helps restore tissue microcirculation content of polar lipids and esterifi ed cholesterol, which is the main component of cell membranes and vascular. The applied nonmedicamental therapy improve the effi ciency of treatment of patients with transitory ischemic attacks and cerebral strokes prevent the development.
Key words transitory ischemic attacks, cerebral stroke, hirudotherapy, nutritsiology correction, manual therapy
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