ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 4 (85)Comparative analysis of vegetative status in patients with acute cerebral ischemia in vertebrobasilar basin
Title of the article Comparative analysis of vegetative status in patients with acute cerebral ischemia in vertebrobasilar basin
Authors Galinovskaya Natallia
Nekrasova Nataliia Oleksandrivna
Usova Nataliia
Tovazhnianska Olena
Markovska Olena
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 4 (85) Pages 5-9
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005.4:616.83 Index BBK -
Abstract The article is devoted to realization of comparative analysis of parameters of vegetative nervous system (VNS) in persons with the ischemic damages of the brain in the vertebrobasilar basin (VBB). The aim of the research was to study the dynamics of indicators of VNS in patients with transient ischemic attacks and ischemic stroke in the VBB of blood supply. 101 patients were examined: 30 patients with the ischemic stroke of the brain (IS) in VBB (15 persons under age 45 and 15 persons older 45), 40 persons with transient ischemic attack (TIA) in VBB (14 patients under 45 and 26 patients older 45). The indexes in the group of young patients with ischemic stroke in VBB diff ered from the following parameters of heart rate variability (HRV) of the control group (SDNN1, p = 0.04; SDNN2, p = 0.004), indicating the increasing of rigidity of HRV and a progressive increasing of sympathetic activity along load testing. At the same time, indexes of sympathetic activity of VNS (AMo1, p = 0.03 and AMo2, p = 0.02) were higher than in healthy individuals, which were refl ected in the shift of the sympathovagal balance towards sympathicotonia: IN1, p = 0.07 and IN2, p = 0.02. The study of HRV parameters in the rest have shown no diff erence in the vegetative maintenance in patients with TIA in the VBB, but after carrying out orthostatic test signifi cant increasing of the ratio Max1/Max2 intervals RR (p = 0.046) was detected, resulting in a fi gure already exceeded the target fi gures (p = 0.009). According to the obtained data, for more severe clinical forms the increasing of an activity of sympathetic part of VNS and decline of the vagal infl uence were revealed. The prevalence of sympathetic part of VNS in patients with acute blood circulation disorders of the brain in VBB does not depend on an age of patients and has the dependence from the character of brain lesion. More meaningful vagal infl uence in providing activity for patients with TIA in VBB were detected, defi ning pathogenetic reserves for these patients and preventing forming of the necrotic lesions of the brain.
Key words vertebrobasilar basin, ischemic stroke of the brain, autonomic providing
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