ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)The Strategy of Mental Health Care of the population of Ukraine: contemporary opportunities and obstacles
Title of the article The Strategy of Mental Health Care of the population of Ukraine: contemporary opportunities and obstacles
Authors Voloshyn Petro
Maruta Natalia
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 5-11
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89:613(477) Index BBK -
Abstract The article is devoted to improvement of mental health of the population of Ukraine. The solving of such an integrated problem is possible only under conditions of a systematical approach determined by the governmental Strategy of Mental Health. The main directions of this strategy are described in the article. It was proven that an existence of the Mental Health Strategy approved by the Government of Ukraine approaches our country to an eff ective prevention of mental disorders, to a contemporary treatment and rehabilitations of persons with mental health problems, to an interest of the society in recovery of mental health of some members of this society, to a humanistic and de-stigmatized attitude to such patients, and all of these together create a psychological wellbeing of our state.
Key words mental health of the nation, prevalence, incidence, interaction between institutions, structural reform of psychiatric services, staff and legislative provision
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