ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)The results of evaluation of behavior and quality of life of young people with mental and behavioral disorders, with tobacco smoking and tobacco dependence
Title of the article The results of evaluation of behavior and quality of life of young people with mental and behavioral disorders, with tobacco smoking and tobacco dependence
Authors Voroninа Oleksandrа
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 73-77
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89 Index BBK -
Abstract Modern problems of health care in Ukraine are complex, which makes it necessary to update its policy development and implementation of new policies and programs, including preventive and psychotherapy. One of the most pressing medical and social problems are smoking, which is associated with increased mortality and reduce defi ciency of smokers in the most active age, especially females. In this regard, we conducted work on the study of risk factors for psychological maladjustment and identifying key markers of "psychological vulnerability" personality that is the foundation for the development of various mental problems and people with tobacco dependence. In addition, the study of quality of life allows to evaluate the development of psychological dependence and identifi ed by system indicator (QoL), the degree of infl uence on psychoemotional state of the individual, and choose the most appropriate ways of correction this relationship.
Key words smoking, tobacco dependence, mental and behavioral disorders, coping strategies, quality of life, young age
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