ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Syndromologica l structure depressive disorders in immigrants and returnees
Title of the article Syndromologica l structure depressive disorders in immigrants and returnees
Authors Venger Olena
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 128-131
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.454-07-054.72 Index BBK -
Abstract To investigate syndromological features psychogenic depressive disorders, endogenous and organic genesis clinical examination carried 198 immigrants, 196 and 191 are not re-emigrants emigrant, who had been diagnosed with depression according to ICD-10 criteria, using the classification of depression syndromes A. Smulevich and the structure also leading passion in various forms of depressive disorders. It was found greater prevalence of aff ective syndromes typical re-emigrants, particularly welcoming and apathetic depression among immigrants — atypical aff ective syndromes (especially anxiety and depression), which can be explained by the infl uence of objective social and psychological factors and their transformation intrapsychological actual stressful stimuli associated with emigration (re-emigration). The greatest infl uence of the emigration to the differences in syndromal structure found in patients with psychogenic depression, and the lowest — in patients with organic depressive disorder that is closely related to the nature of the pathology. The discovered patterns can be used to develop prevention and treatment and rehabilitation.
Key words depressive disorders, migrants, immigrants, re-emigrants
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